Hi, I’m sam!

When I was 30, I was divorced with four sons, ages 1-8. That is when I met and married my handsome prince and became the mother of 4 step children. At times I found myself wondering how my fairy tale had turned into a nightmare where I was cast in the completely wrong role.

Sometimes I was the comic relief and sometimes the villain. I was supposed to be the adored princess/queen, or at the very least, the wise and loving mother to all. Certainly not the wicked stepmother, but here I was.

Do you ever feel like that?

Like the story plot is pulling you away from the role you want to play? I can help you take control and show up in a way you are proud of.

I had 4 young sons 8 and under and my new husband had one adult daughter who tolerated/resented me, one adult son who ignored me, one 16 year old son who needed me except that he didn’t need anyone and one 13 year old son who couldn’t decide how to feel.

I was entirely out of my element.

My children still needed permission to get a glass of milk but these people ate what they wanted, watched what they wanted when they wanted, left when they wanted, they had TV’s in their bedrooms, their own cell phones and no bedtime. The two boys at home were pretty independent having been raised by a working father for the last couple of years. I didn’t even know where to begin and none of my friends could relate.

I can help you figure out your role

If you ever feel like your husband doesn’t parent his kids and he resents you when you try to do it, I can help you figure out your role in the household so you can do it with confidence.

I am going to be honest with you, I still don’t step parent perfectly. Honestly I don’t do anything perfectly. Sometimes I get it right on and I am amazing and sometimes I screw it up. But the difference is I don’t think I failed now when I mess up, I see it for what it is and I move on.

There is hope!

If you need some help seeing your mistakes and successes in a way that helps you grow I am fantastic at that, and you will be amazed at how much better you feel when you realize messing up sometimes is normal.

No two families are the same and that is especially true in the case of combined families. There is no one right answer but I believe the answers are within you waiting to be discovered. I will help you as you make your way down the winding path.

“No two families are the same, especially combined families. But I believe the answers are within you- and I am here to help. “
